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CIT01-20S self-heating substances tester is used to determine whether the substance oxidize and self-heat exposed in air under a certain temperature, in line with the United Nations "on the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Tests and Criteria Manual" section Test N. 4 test method for self-heating substances.
It is suitable for determining the sensitivity of self-reactive substances, organic peroxides and their mixtures to high heat under specified closed conditions.
This tester is used to supervise and determine whether viscous substances are solid or liquid. It is suitable for paints, coatings, and Class D substances in ASTM standards, such as petroleum products, fuels, low-strength plastics, etc.
CIT16-10S Self-pyrophoric liquid classification tester is used to determine whether the liquid will burn when the liquid add onto inert gas and exposed to air, or whether will let filter become black or combustion when liquid contact with the air.
CIT11-10S aerosol foam flammability test instrument used to test the flammability of aerosol which sprayed in foam, gel or paste, it in line with United Nations "on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Recommendations Manual of Tests and Criteria" 31.6 aerosol foam flammability test and GB / T 21632-2008 "dangerous aerosol foam flammability test methods."
This meter mainly measures the gas volume and gas release rate released when a substance reacts with water, and is used to determine the packaging category or hazard.
CIT-28-10S oxidizing gas tester used to measure the oxidizing for a kind of gas or mixture gas, whether higher than the air oxidation, it can be used to test the toxicity and corrosive gases or mixtures of gases.
CIT27-10S Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature Tester (Adiabatic storage test) is used to determine the temperature-dependent heat generation rate of substance. Fever parameters together with the heat loss data for the package to determine SADT of substance in it container.
CIT23-10S liquid ignition point tester, this standard applies to test hot flame, cold fire auto-ignition temperature of liquid chemicals in an uniformly heated container at atmospheric pressure. In line with GB / T 21860-2008 "Standard Test Method for auto-ignition temperature of the liquid chemical" and ASTM E659-78 (2005) "Standard Test Method for...
CIT22-10S solid ignition point tester used to identified spontaneous combustion characteristics through placing the solid material in a steel mesh cube which side length 20mm under heating chamber rising temperature.
CIT21-30S tester in line with GB / T 21844 -2008, ASTM E681-04 standards, applicable to test the upper and lower limit concentration of combustion measurement of flammable vapor and air mixture formation of chemical substances in testing temperature and constant pressure, it can be used of inert gases as diluents in testing (but the oxidizing of...
CIT20-10S Koenen test instrument used to determine the sensitivity of the solid and liquid substances under high confinement effect of heat. The instrument complies with United Nations "on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Recommendations on Tests and Criteria Manual". Section 11.5.1 Test 1 (b) Koenen test.
Small burning tester is used to determine the substance's reaction to the fire. The instrument complies with the United Nations "on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Recommendations on Tests and Criteria Manual" 13.7.1 Test 3 (d): small burning test.
The test apparatus used to measure energetic materials (solid or liquid explosive, propellants, fireworks and crowded primary explosive, etc.) impact sensitivity, and to determine whether the substance is too dangerous and not under the state testing to transportation.
CIT17-10S friction sensitivity tester is used to measure the sensitivity of the friction material stimuli and to determine if the material is too dangerous to transport its test form.
CIT15-10S self firing solid categories tester is used to determine whether a solid material will burn in contact with air, it in line with the United Nations "on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Recommendations on Tests and Criteria Manual" Test N2: Test methods for solid pyrophoric.
CIT14-10S deflagration test instrument used to measure the ability of deflagration propagation of material, suitable for self-reactive substances and organic peroxides,
CIT13-10S 75 °C thermal stability test instrument used to measure the stability of the substance under high temperature conditions to determine if the substance is too dangerous to transport, suitable for explosive substances, desensitized explosive substances, self-reactive substances and organic peroxides