Lithium Batteries Analysis

Lithium Batteries Analysis 

  • Large battery adiabatic calorimeter complies with the "Adiabatic Temperature Rise Characteristics" experimental standard of 36276-2023 "Lithium-ion Batteries for Power Energy Storage", and can meet the thermal safety test requirements of blade batteries within 900mm and small modules;

  • Small battery adiabatic calorimeter is an adiabatic calorimeter developed on the basis of the classic ARC for small battery safety testing, integrating functions such as thermal abuse, electrical abuse, and mechanical abuse.

  • Battery Isothermal Calorimeter is a calorimeter developed based on the principle of power compensation isothermal calorimetry and is designed for testing the heat generation characteristics of various types of lithium battery cells .

  • Large Battery Adiabatic Calorimeter complies with the "Adiabatic Temperature Rise Characteristics" experimental standard of 36276-2023 "Lithium-ion Batteries for Power Energy Storage", and can meet the thermal safety test requirements of battery cells within 600mm and small modules.

  • Large Battery Adiabatic Calorimeter complies with the "Adiabatic Temperature Rise Characteristics" experimental standard of 36276-2023 "Lithium-ion Batteries for Power Energy Storage", and can meet the thermal safety test requirements of battery cells within 600mm and small modules.

  • Large Battery Adiabatic Calorimeter complies with the "Adiabatic Temperature Rise Characteristics" experimental standard of 36276-2023 "Lithium-ion Batteries for Power Energy Storage", and can meet the thermal safety test requirements of blade batteries within 900mm and small modules;

  • Large Battery Adiabatic Calorimeter complies with the "Adiabatic Temperature Rise Characteristics" experimental standard of 36276-2023 "Lithium-ion Batteries for Power Energy Storage", and can meet the thermal safety test requirements of blade batteries within 1500mm and small modules;