Differential Scanning Calorimeter


Differential Scanning Calorimeter(DSC) is designed based on the tower heat flow method principle. It is a conventional thermal analysis instrument that measures the heat flow difference per unit time between the sample and the reference sample under program temperature control as it changes with temperature or time.

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Product info

Differential Scanning Calorimeter(DSC) is designed based on the tower heat flow method principle. It is a conventional thermal analysis instrument that measures the heat flow difference per unit time between the sample and the reference sample under program temperature control as it changes with temperature or time.


Product Introduction

DSC-4000A Differential Scanning Calorimeter is designed based on the tower heat flow method principle. It is a conventional thermal analysis instrument that measures the heat flow difference between the sample and the reference sample per unit time as a function of temperature or time under program temperature control. This product uses milligram-level sample volume and can measure basic data such as specific heat, glass transition temperature, melting point, crystallization temperature, crystallinity , melting enthalpy , crystallization enthalpy , crystallization kinetics, reaction heat of thermosetting plastics, reaction kinetics of thermosetting plastics, and gelling conversion rate. It is widely used in thermodynamic and kinetic research in the fields of polymer materials, biomedicine, inorganic non-metallic materials, petroleum, metal materials, energetic materials, and food industry.


28724 19466.2 28723 19466.6

ASTM E2253



ASTM E1269……



1) The use of mature tower heat flow technology improves the instrument's resolution and sensitivity
2) The silver furnace ensures higher heat transfer efficiency and reduces crosstalk between reference and sample
3) The temperature and heat flow signals are modulated through a dedicated algorithm to obtain more accurate data on specific heat capacity, reaction heat release, etc.
4) The instrument has temperature control modes such as
heating and isothermal 5) The instrument has DSC Onset Point, Start set Point, Endset Point, baseline, heat flow peak, glass transition temperature, thermal peak area, endothermic enthalpy , peak temperature, extrapolated temperature, specific heat and other analysis functions
6) The instrument data acquisition frequency reaches 50Hz, which effectively enhances the instrument's sensitivity and resolution
7) The innovative substrate improves the sensor's high-temperature antioxidant performance and achieves higher sensitivity and better dynamic response
8) The optimized structural design provides the instrument with reliable baseline stability and improves the signal-to-noise ratio
9) Equipped with a high-definition touch screen, which makes it easy to operate the instrument quickly


Technical specifications



Temperature control range


Heating scan rate


Scan rate deviation


Phase change temperature accuracy


Phase change temperature precision


Baseline reproducibility

15μW (without crucible)

Enthalpy measurement accuracy


Enthalpy measurement accuracy


Heat flow display resolution


Heat flow peak-to-peak noise


Indium peak height/half peak width


TAWN sensitivity


TAWN Resolution


Heat flow measurement range


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